Welcome to COMP2008 Computer Organisation

For subject inquiries, you can email the coordinator directly. A staff member is typically teaching multiple subjects, so make sure you start the subject line with "COMP2008 CO" and then include a relevant subject. For any subject related inquiries, you need to use your WSU student email account.

In addition, the coordinator may use emails to address the subject related issues (clarifying administrative policies, providing hints to practical activities, presenting extra/supplementary materials for the subject studies). It is pivotal for students to read emails carefully.

Dr Jamie Yang

ER.G.12, Parramatta

Ph: 96859233


General Data

Learning Guide | Teaching Schedule | Aligning Assessments

Extra Materials

ascii_chart.pdf | bias_representation.pdf | HP_AppA.pdf | instruction decoding.pdf | masking help.pdf | PCSpim.pdf | PCSpim Portable Version | Instructions (Overview) | Instructions (Real) | Instructions (Pseudo) |





  • Textbook: Patterson, D.A. & Hennessy, J.L., Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition, 6th Ed, Morgan Kaufmann, 2020. (Previous editions are also suitable, e.g. Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., Computer Organisation & Design, 5th Ed, Morgan Kaufmann, 2014 or Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., Computer Organisation & Design, 4th Ed, Elsevier, 2009)
  • Subject to later modifications if needed.



    Lecture Topic

    /* */

    /* Text readings are listed in Lecture Notes (see the last slide) and in Learning Guide (see Teaching Activities) */

    Practical Task

    /* */

    /* You are allowed to submit your lab work online unless in-class demo and grading are impossible */


    /* */

    /* You'll be informed of details */


    Lect. 01: [Slides | Handouts | Drill] Difference Between Processor Architectures


    Introduction: Detailed outline of the subject, approach to teaching, assessment structure.


    Basic components of computer, MIPS, PCSpim

    No prac (Pracs from WEEK 2)



    Lect. 02: [Slides | Handouts | Drill | TurningCard | switch-test_v2.s] Wave buys MIPS


    ISA-MIPS: MIPS assembly language, R, I, J instructions, decision making

    Practicals Management [General Instractions]

    Prac. 01: [Lab Sheet]


    PCSpim simulator introduction.


    Code: hello.s, helloimproved.s



    Lect. 03: [Slides | Handouts | lp4validInput.s]


    Addressing: Constants, addressing, loops, arrays and pointers, processing text

    Prac. 02: [Lab Sheet]


    Simple calculations.


    Code: simplecalc.s



    Lect. 04: [Slides | Handouts | globl extern $gp Test.s]


    Memory: Memory layout, memory alignment, procedures

    Prac. 03: [Lab Sheet]


    Debugging simple code, ASCII characters.


    Code: temperature.s



    Lect. 05: [Slides | Handouts]


    Lect. 05 supplement: [Slides | Handouts] [Using FP numbers]


    Numbers: Numbers, masking

    Prac. 04: [Lab Sheet]


    Arithmetics: registers and memory.


    Code: simplearray.s, simplemem.s


    Lect. 06: [Slides | Handouts]


    Virtual-Performance: Virtual memory, performance, benchmarks

    Video: 3D XPoint Technology Revolutionizes Storage Memory

    Prac. 05: [Lab Sheet]


    Arrays: pointers and indices.


    Code: positivesum.s, search.s


    Lect. 07: [Slides | Handouts]


    I/O systems: I/O, polling/interrupts, exceptions, kernel/user mode

    Prac. 06: [Lab Sheet]


    Procedure calls, stacks.


    Code: leafsample.s, iterativesample.s, simplerecursive.s, float loop.s


    Intra Session Break

    Lect. 08: [Slides | Handouts]


    Bus-Disk: Disks, RAID, I/O buses

    Prac. 07: [Lab Sheet]


    Bit operations, masking, logical and arithmetic shifts.


    Code: split.s



    Lect. 09: [Slides | Handouts]


    Logic-Datapath: Datapath, combinational and sequential logic, gates, clocking

    HP4 App-C Basics of Logic Design (No eCopy of HP6 App-B or HP5 App-B is available)

    Prac. 08: [Lab Sheet]


    Floating point arithmetics, Amdahl's law.


    Reference: Amdahls-Law.pdf

    Code: float loop.s, usingFP.s



    Lect. 10: [Slides | Handouts]


    ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Karnaugh maps

    HP4 App-C Basics of Logic Design (No eCopy of HP6 App-B or HP5 App-B is available)

    Prac. 09: [Lab Sheet]


    Memory mapped I/O, transmit/receive.


    Code: repeat.s, stringlength.s


    Lect. 11: [Slides | Handouts]


    Single cycle processor: Requirements of the instruction set, Assembling a datapath, Designing and assembling control

    Prac. 10: [Lab Sheet]


    Exception handling in MIPS.


    Code: instructions.s, exceptions.s, modified_exceptions.s


    Lect. 12: [Slides | Handouts]


    MIPS Pipelining: Introduction, Hazards, and Performance

    Prac. 11: [Lab Sheet]


    Logic gates, software implementation of ALU.


    Code: and.s



    Lect. 13: [Slides | Handouts]


    More on ISA and Subject Revision: RISC and CISC architectures, interpretation of 0-1 strings, Consolidation and Preparation for final exam.


    No labs accepted after this week!

    For your interest: Tetris - A game at MARS Simulator