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V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang New perspectives for the deep learning based photography aesthetics assessment. Proceedings of AJCAI-2024.
V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang and Y. Bai, Loop restricted existential rules and first-order rewritability for query answering . Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 34, Issue 2, 2024.
W. Long, Q. Liu, R. Li, Z. Xu, Y. Zhang and Y. Huang, A blockchain-based secure search strategy for metadata in mobile edge computing. IEEE Internet Things, 10(22): 19795-19809 (2023)
H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J-H. You, Z. Feng and G. Jiang Towards universal languages for tractable ontology mediated query answering . Proceeding of AAAI-2020, pp 3049-3056, 2020.
H. Zhang, Y. Zhang and G. Jiang Model-theoretic chracterizations of existential rule languages . Proceeding of JICAI-2020, pp 1940-1946, 2020.
D. Yue, R. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Tian and Y. Huang, Blockchain-based verification framework for data integrity in cloud storage . Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing. 146 (2020) 1-14. 2020. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang and R. Li, Polynomial and exponential bounded logic programs with function symbols: Some new decidable classes . Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 64 (2019) 749-815. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Bai and W. Si, Loop restricted existential rules and first-order rewritability for query answering (extended abstract). In Proceedings of KR-2018, October 2018. D. Yue, R. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Tian and C. Peng, Blockchain based data integrity verification in P2P cloud storage. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed System , December 2018. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang and H. Zhang, Polynomially bounded logic programs with function symbols: A new decidable class. In Proceedings of AAAI-2017, pp 1041-1047, 2017. H. Zhang Y. Zhang, Expressiveness of logic programs under the general stable model semantics. ACM Transactions on Computaitonal Logic 18(2) (2017) 9:1-9:28. Z. Zhuang, M. Pagnucco and Y. Zhang, Inter-definability of Horn contraction and Horn revision. Journal of Philosophical Logic 46(3) (2017) 299-332. Y. Zhou and Y. Zhang, A progression semantics for first-order logic programs. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 250 (58-79) 2017. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J.H. You, Expressive completeness of existential rule languages for ontology-based query answering. In Proceedings of IJCAI-2016, pp 1330-1337, 2016. H. Wan, H. Zhang, P. Xiao, H. Huang and Y. Zhang, Query answering with inconsistent existential rules under stable model semantics. In Proceedings of AAAI-2016, pp 14-20, 2016. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou and Y. Chen, A game-theoretic characterization on the first-order indefinability of answer Set programs, AAAI-2015. V. Asuncion, Y. Chen Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Ordered completion for logic programs with aggregates. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 224 (72-102) 2015. H. Zhang Y. Zhang and J-H. You, Existential rule languages with finite chase: Complexity and expressiveness. In Proceedings of AAAI-2015, pp 1678-1684, 2015. E. Carpin and Y. Zhang, Negotiation based framework for attribute-based access control policy evaluation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN-2014), 2014. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang and H. Zhang, Logic programs with ordered disjunction: First-order semantics and expressiveness. In Proceedings of KR-2014, pp 2-10, 2014. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Preferred first-order answer set programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 15 (2014). H. Wan, Z. Xiao, Z. Yuan, H. Zhang and Y. Zhang, Computing general first-order parallel and prioritized circumscription. In Proceedings of AAAI-2014, pp 1105-1111, August 2014. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou and M. Zhang, Knowledge forgetting in answer set programming. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50 (2014) (31-70). J. Deng and Y. Zhang, Answer set programs with one incremental variable. In Proceedings of IEA-AIE 2014, pp 128-137, 2014. E. Caprin, Y. Zhang, and K.M. Khan, Social access control language (SocACL). In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2013), pp 261-265, 2013. J.-H. You, H. Zhang and Y. Zhang, Disjunctive logic programs with existential quantification in rule heads. Thoery and Practice of Logic Programming 13 (2013) 563-578 (ICLP-2013 full paper). V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Constructive circumscription. Thoery and Practice of Logic Programming 13 (2013) (Online Supplement, ICLP-2013 technical communicaiton paper). H. Zhang and Y. Zhang, First-order expressibility and boundedness for disjunctive logic programs, In Proceedings of IJCAI-2013, pp 1198-1204, 2013. Z. Zhuang, M. Pagnucco and Y. Zhang, Definability of Horn revision from Horn contraction, In Proceedings of IJCAI-2013, pp 1205-1211, 2013. V. Asuncion, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Ordered completion for logic programs with aggregates. In Proceedings of AAAI-2012, pp 691-697, 2012. V. Asuncion, F. Lin, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Ordered completion for first-order logic programs on finite structures. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 177-179 (2012) 1-24. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou and M. Zhang, Forgetting in logic programs under strong equivalence. In Proceedings of KR-2012, pp 643-647, 2012. J. Hu, K. Khaled, Y. Bai and Y. Zhang, Compliance checking for usage-constrained credentials in trust negotiation systems, In Proceedings of ISC-2012, pp 290-305, 2012. J. Hu, K. Khaled, Y. Bai and Y. Zhang, Constraint-enhanced role engineering via answer set programming, In Proceedings of ASIACCS-2012, 2012. J. Hu, K. Khaled, Y. Bai and Y. Zhang, Tracking and constraining authorization provance, In Proceedings of IEA/AIE-2012, pp 669-678, 2012. Y. Zhou and Y. Zhang, Bounded forgetting . Proceedings of AAAI-2011, pp 280-285, 2011. Y. Zhou and Y. Zhang, Progression semantics for disjunctive logic programs. Proceedings of AAAI-2011, pp 286-291, 2011. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Ying and Y. Zhou, Translating theories into logic programs. Proccedings of IJCAI-2011, pp 1126-1131, 2011. Y. Chen, F. Lin, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhou, Loop-separable programs and their first-order definability. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 175 (2011) 890-913. Y. Zhou and Y. Zhang, A logical study of partial entailment. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 40 (2011) 25-56. S. Policarpio and Y. Zhang, A formal language for XML authorisations based on answer set programming and temporal interval logic constraints. International Journal of Secure Software Engineering 2 (2011) 22-39. J. Hu, Y. Zhang and R. 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